Using MINI CONTACT polar poind to check the turtar stability of dry white wine,the conductivity descend value decreased,the wine's stability increased.
Comparing with traditional desulfurization process, new designed process can decrease reladling times and temperature loss of hot metal, and equipment investment is lower.
In the higher sea states, most characteristic values are reduced slightly due to the hydroelasticity and the quais-static results are a little bit conservative.
Superior part-load efficiency is another virtue in the proposed system, for the input current of the resonant tank is decreased with the decrescence of load.
Addition of dechlorinating agent can reduce or eliminate the acute toxicity caused by disinfection byproducts.It may be because that the reaction of dechlorinating a...
The GPC results indicated that the polymerization degree increased with the extension of reaction tine and the molecular weight distribution was tend to be monodispersity.
Minish the well space and increase transflux routeways upper backwater and driving, especially setup precipitation well and drain residual water at the bottom of diving layer.
The ACR "rifles" used smoothbore barrels to fire single or multiple flechette per round, rather than bullets, to provide long range, flat trajectory, and armor piercing abilities.
The increase of cellulous fiber in the hybrid fiber can result in the increase of optimum asphalt content, the reduction of density, air voids and Marshall stability.
The photographs of polarizing microscope showed the number of spherocrystal was increased and the diameter was decreased after saponification reaction which was agreed with the studies of DSC.