Human chorionic gonadotropic (hCG) and human placental latogen (hPL) are peptide hormones produced and excreted by placental trophoblastic cells during pregnancy.
The immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that the majority of tumor cells were immunoreactive for neuroendocrine markers that included chromogranin A, synaptophysin and neuronspecific enolase.
The peko-peko's skin is toxic, and most predators leave it alone. Sentient hunters prey on the peko-peko to harvest the amazing anti-venin the animal secretes.
It is most likely that cholesterol and bile acid hyposecretion make the AKR strain susceptible to the development of fatty livers and resistant to gallstone formation.
In conclusion, LBP possess the action of lowing blood glucose, improving morphogeny and function of pancreatic islet B cells and increasing the secretion of insulin in NIDDM mice.
Participants: The Task Force comprised a chair, selected by the Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee (CGS) of The Endocrine Society, six additional experts, one methodologist, and a medical writer.