Sarah El Battouty and her company ECOnsult were recently awarded funding from Ashden, a climate-solutions charity, for their innovative cooling designs.
Sarah El Battouty 和她的公司 ECOnsult 最近其新的冷却获得了气候解决方案慈善机构 Ashden 的资助。
Delving deeper into the operation of electric roads, it's a symphony of advanced technology and innovative design, all working seamlessly beneath the surface.
Yes, it will be your utmost interest to protect your intellectual property such as your innovations, idea, designs and copyrights in your target country.
Yes. it will be your utmost interest to protect your intellectual property such as your innovations, idea, designs and copyrights in your target country.
This remarkable display of natural efficiency isn't just captivating for us to observe; it also has profound implications for human design and innovation.