Ser Kevan rose with a ponderous dignity. " Your Grace" . Wine trickled down his cheeks and dripped from his close-cropped beard. " With your leave, might I withdraw" ?
Now, don't you think the lad would be handsomer cropped? It makes a dog fiercer, and I love something fierce--get me a scissors--something fierce and trim!
His thick grey moustache and short cropped hair gave him a respectable military appearance; and he threw out his chest, on which was displayed the red ribbon of his decoration.
I thought it a little too much that he should complain of being cut short in his flower after all, as if he had not been running to seed, leaf after leaf, ever since his course began.
We're talking about a man who owed Richard money from somewhere fill said he had seen the man last night in the San Remo bar fills elongated face and his clipped hair was like an El Greco to restart.