Bilateral cervical adenopathy is also prominent in tuberculosis coccidioidomycosis infectious mononucleosis toxoplasmosis sarcoid lymphomas and leukemias.
Unlike granulocytes, agranulocytes do not contain granules in their cytoplasm, nor do they have multi-lobed nuclei. Agrnulocytes are characterized by the presence of a single large nucleus. The two types of agranulocytes are monocytes and lymphocytes.
When the results came back, I drove to the clinic alone. A balding middleaged doctor gave me the results. " Congratulations, " he said. " You're positive for strep and mono. Only person i've seen in a month to get both" .
结果出来的时候,一个人开车去了诊所。一位秃顶的中年医生将结果递给。" 恭喜," 他说," 链球菌和胞病毒都呈阳性反应。一个月来,你是见过的唯一一个同时感染了菌和病毒的人。"
I returned to my apartment and called Mother. I thought confessing would alleviate my guilt. I told her I'd seen a doctor, and that I had strep and mono. " I'm taking penicillin, " I said. " I just wanted you to know" .
回到公寓,给母亲打了个电话。觉得坦白会减轻自己的罪恶感。告诉她去看了医生,感染了链球菌和胞病毒。" 只是想让你知道," 说," 正在服用青霉素。"