The Marchioness's foolish lisp had called up a vision of the little fire-lit drawing-room and the sound of the carriage-wheels returning down the deserted street.
But human babies are not unique-at least when it comes to this sort of inarticulate articulation-because a new study shows that baby parrots also babble before they leave the nest.
One of those personalities who, in spite of all their words, are inarticulate, he seemed to have inherited only the vast tradition of human failure—that, and the sense of death.
科学快报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
But human babies are not unique—at least when it comes to this sort of inarticulate articulation—because a new study shows that baby parrots also babble before they leave the nest.
This curious, slobbery interaction with the world is what Piaget called the sensorimotor stage – the level of development where all knowledge is based on what you can perceive with your senses.
While she blushed and blundered, Mr. Dashwood had taken the manuscript, and was turning over the leaves with a pair of rather dirty fingers, and casting critical glances up and down the neat pages.
The west wind whispered in the ivy round me; but no gentle Ariel borrowed its breath as a medium of speech: the birds sang in the tree-tops; but their song, however sweet, was inarticulate.
She had, likewise, a fierce and a hard eye: it reminded me of Mrs. Reed’s; she mouthed her words in speaking; her voice was deep, its inflections very pompous, very dogmatical, —very intolerable, in short.