Aunt Mary tut-tutted at all the goings-on.
).Wield gadgets from the subtle Cigarette Dart Gun to the amazingly unsubtle Bazooka with Incendiary Ammo.
Beneath this long, arched drain which terminated at the Arche-Marion, a perfectly preserved rag-picker's basket excited the admiration of all connoisseurs.
Huh. Bill Murray did get it wrong.
啧啧。比尔? 默里确实搞错了。
Thousands gasp as the last rays disappear in the sea.
" He took me unawares. A craven's trick" .
" 啧啧,他不过乘我不备。这是懦夫诡计。"
It's a really nice opportunity for us to get a stunning new specimen in.
But Maud said, " Tut, tut, " in gentle reproval, and then asked why I was a blithering idiot.
" 啧啧!" 然后问我为什么是个大笨蛋。
It is really very curious to observe how, even in modern times, the arts of discouragement prevail.
It's slightly nicer, 10 percent. Whoa.
" Tut, tut, I don't seem to have made much of an impression yet, " she said, smiling.
A sound of subterranean flute playing came up and was almost lost in the steady remorseless persistence of the drums.
HOO! Tsk Tsk Tsk! You see this. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
吼! 啧啧啧! 你看这个。 啧啧啧。
Oof, the wads of hair get stuck to your mouth.
啧啧 嘴会黏上一撮头发。
He was unconsciously wagging his whiskered head in pity and clicking his tongue against his teeth when Scarlett caught his eye.
It looks lovely Ooh tut tut.
Tsk tsk tsk! You're under arrest!
啧啧 你被捕了!
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Hey, Ron, these guys forgot their bags.
啧啧 嘿 罗恩 这几个家伙没带袋子。
" Now that's ungrateful. Perhaps I should leave you here to rot if you're going to be so discourteous" .
" 啧啧,这张嘴,三句不离本行。再没礼貌,小心我把你扔在这里烂掉。"
Tsk Tsk Tsk, crazy, crazy, crazy.
Sheesh. Who actually buys this infomercial stuff?
啧啧 谁会真买这种电视导购节目里东西啊?
Ay. It's not one of those talking alarm clocks? " It's 6: 05. It's 6: 25. Wake up. Wake up."
啧啧,不是那种会说话闹钟吧?" 6: 05啦。6: 25啦。醒醒啦。醒醒啦。"
Put me on the rock, lass, and then take the boat out again, ' shouted William.
把我放在岩石上, 啧啧,然后再把船开出去, “威廉喊道。