Although laryngomalacia is the leading cause of stridor in infancy, vocal cord paralysis, despite its low incidence, is still the second most common cause.
And Melisandre said, " Let them come forth, who would be joined" . The flames cast her shadow on the Wall behind her, and her ruby gleamed against the paleness of her throat.
" I am named Melisandre, ser" . She alone came unarmored, but for her flowing red robes. At her throat the great ruby drank the daylight. " I serve your king, and the Lord of Light" .
Melisandre touched the ruby at her neck. " Gilly is giving suck to Dalla's son as well as her own. It seems cruel of you to part our little prince from his milk brother, my lord" .
On opening the little door, two hairy monsters flew at my throat, bearing me down and extinguishing the light; while a mingled guffaw from Heathcliff and Hareton, put the copestone on my rage and humiliation.
Like playing a guitar string, singers use their vocal cords – a pair of folds in the throat that are stretched over the larynx, or voice box, another part of the throat, to produce a sound vibration - a quick, shaking movement.