Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, keratomolacia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.
CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxemia was resulted in hyperammonemia by various ways including stimulating the secretion of glucagon,which is one of the stress reactions happened in endotoxemia.
Conclusion Stomach perforation in newborns is caused by congenital gastric wall hypogenesis and high tensile of stomach lead to anoxemia.The key of increasing cure rate i...
In the group of dicoumarol plus doxorubicin, serum ALT, LDH, CK activities were significantly increased as compared with that of doxorubicin group alone, and liver MDA content was also increased.
Head and neck muscles often tighten during sexual activity, and blood pressure can increase at orgasm, causing blood vessels in the brain to dilate, a condition technically named coital cephalgia.