The judge was a man of stately embonpoint who walked with a heavy step as he entered the courtroom.
The huge one, Shagga, laughed first and loudest. The others seemed less amused. " Conn, take their horses, " Gunthor commanded. " Kill the other and seize the halfinan. He can milk the goats and make the mothers laugh. "
壮硕夏嘎第一个发笑,声响如雷。其他人则不若他这么觉得有趣。" 康恩,去牵马," 冈梭尔下令," 把另外那家伙宰了,然后把半人抓起。我们可以让他挤羊奶,顺便讨孩子妈开心。"
And these days, you know, I mean, for " Thor: Love and Thunder" , I think I'm the biggest I ever was and probably in the best shape I've ever been in and that but that was various strategic different exercises shaping my physique.