As Iceland has only been around for mere twenty million years, relatively few native species of plants or animals have established themselves on the island.
Across generational lines, Americans continue to prize many of the same traditional milestones of a successful life, including getting married, having children, owning a home, and retiring in their sixties.
He quarrelled with his father on account of his resignation, and never saw him again until just before his death, after which he inherited the little property and settled on it.
Hepzibah knew enough to enable her to appreciate the circumstances (resulting from the second marriage of the girl's mother) which made it desirable for Phoebe to establish herself in another home.
All was still around me: Nothing was to be heard except the night breeze sighing among the leaves, the distant barking of Village Dogs, or the Owl who had established herself in a nook of the deserted Eastern Turret.