Situs inersus totalis occurs in 50% of PCD patients (Kartagener's syndrome in PCD), and there are a few reports of PCD with heterotaxy (situs ambiguus), such as cardioascular anomalies.
The prolabium of complete BCL operated on with straight line suture method had muscle fibers proliferated from the lateral lips, but the fibers were sparse and also had ultra structure variations.
So we've seen that in ST elevation MI, untreated a complete arterial occlusion may progress to infarction of the full thickness of the affected myocardial wall.
Second- degree type II is less common than second-degree type I but is much more dangerous as it frequently progresses to complete heart block or cardiac arrest.
This necessary and beautifully protective illusion is what can lead men to suspect that the more a woman has a status akin to their mother, the less likely she is to be fully sexual.