Shrubs evergreen or sometimes semievergreen; branchlets and pedicels not setose. Leaf blade adaxially glabrous; corolla creamy yellow, lined and flushed rose on outside. Fl. May–Jun.
In both types of feather, the barbules that extend from the barb ramus grow from a single layer of cells, called the barbule plate, on the periphery of the barb ridge.
The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling.
The central part of the feather became a hardened structure called a rachis, with lots of little barbs and barbules, creating the vanes of the feather.
The needles are about three inches long, finely tempered and arranged in rather close tassels at the ends of slender branchlets that clothe the long, outsweeping limbs.
The leaves are in two horizontal rows, along branchlets that commonly are less than eight years old, forming handsome plumes, pinnated like the fronds of ferns.
The leaves are arranged in two horizontal rows along branchlets that commonly are less than eight years old, forming handsome plumes, pinnated like the fronds of ferns.