The glacier calved a large iceberg.
To make things worse, as the clots are broken down through fibrinolysis, fibrin degradation products are released into the circulation and these interfere with platelet aggregation and clot formation, making hemostasis even more difficult.
These beds are simply oval-shaped hollows, pawed out among loose, disintegrating rock-chips and sand, upon some sunny spot commanding a good outlook, and partially sheltered from the winds that sweep those lofty peaks almost without intermission.
The first is to get over impressed by it. In Mansfield Park, Julia Bertram gets married to Mr. Rushworth, the richest character in all of Austen's novels, but they are miserable together, and their marriage rapidly falls apart.
一是过度夸大金钱的重要。在《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中, 玛丽亚? 贝特伦嫁给了拉什沃思先生 --他是珍奥斯汀的小说里最有钱的一角色 --但他们的结合十