The problems in existing equipment resource sharing were pointed out, and the service-oriented large-scale science instrument shareable platform was proposed.
The micro-EDM prototype was composed of three dimensional stage,transistor type isopulse generator with pulse duration of 80ns,and environmental maintaining system.
As an universal eximious language, XML can describe information compatible and indistinctively in different platform, which provides scheme of sharing information for M-commerce.
This patent pool license provides users with fair, reasonable, nondiscriminatory access to the new technology as a platform which substitutes individual license negotiations.
The main equipments are as follows: spray system, extra-low-volume spray system, portable aerosolizer, portable sprayer, soup box, substance storage box, operating platform, etc.
During design and fabrication of offshore platform module, the shrink of wilding seam often causes interbedded crack on the main padeye plate and the column.
The weighing platform is provided with a pressure sensor , and the machine core comprises a preamplification, an analog-to-digital conversion and a central controller 4.
The Internet offers an open platform for new E-commerce, removing the long lead times, asset specificity, and bilaterality of E-commerce based on the traditional proprietary EDI.