The key factors and suggestions on optimizing stiffness of Z direction have been given which will provide concernful support for further optimization of PKM.
Think about the outlets in your house – they’re all connected in parallel, so no matter how many items are plugged in, they all receive the same voltage.
Think about the outlets in your house – they're all connected in parallel, so no matter how many items are plugged in, they all receive the same voltage.
And since the voltage for each resistor is the same in parallel, you can cancel the voltage term out of the entire equation and we're left with the equation for parallel equivalent resistance.
And since every point of a conductor has the same potential, and all the conductors are connected, all devices connected in parallel will have the same voltage.
And since the voltage for each resistor is the same in parallel, you can cancel the voltage term out of the entire equation and we’re left with the equation for parallel equivalent resistance.