Designed to seize children's attention with its wide, vacantly smiling eyes and hypnotically swaying head, the Sloth has the vibe of a merrily lobotomised nursery school teacher.
Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama. She works in early education, and has three kids of her own in the Marines. Here’s what she wrote to me on Wednesday.
Kelly Mumper生活在亚拉巴马州的农村。她是一名幼儿园的,她的三个孩子都在海军陆战队当兵。下面是她周三写给的信。
Tricia Kelly was a shy newlywed in 1963, a parish kindergarten teacher who went to Vietnam with her husband, Peter, a civilian engineer on loan to Navy intelligence.
But as a past kindergarten teacher -- always a kindergarten teacher at heart -- I want to share with you a surprising lesson I learned from them about being asked for help.