A sudden crescendo forces the music from pianissimo back to forte in only half a bar.
Trundling chromaticism has the music roll up to a fortissimo, the orchestra still proclaiming the originally wistful piano-theme.
That's the strong form and we use that when we stress the word, right?
The throbbing chords and breathless crescendos turn shame into defiance, repression into joy.
" A pure love is only to the country, " this is the strong voice from the current young generations in China.
So, you may be thinking or asking, " Keith, what are these small words that have a weak form and a strong form? "
Z is voiced and that's considered a weaker sound, and so the stronger sound S takes over that Z, sort of cancels it out.
Z 是浊音,是一个弱音,所以强音 S 吞了 Z 音,就像把它消掉了。
It is time that I claim my rightful role as power player on the world stage, just like little Nell did.
和奈尔一样 我也该登上世界舞台 展示自己的实力,出有力的最强音。
S and Z are a pair, they go together because they have the same mouth position, and S is unvoiced, and that's considered strong.
S 和 Z 是一组辅音,它们是一组是因为它们的音位置是一样的,S 是清音,而且是一个强音。
But did you know, 90% of the time we don't stress the word and we don't use the strong form, we use the weak form exactly.
The first generation of Fortissimo barley had not involved too much tinkering with the original genetics, so it was to the buzzing of bees that it responded.