1.The regressive valvulopathy was misdiagnosed easy as rheumatic heat disease,regressive valvulopathy infectious,endocarditis dysfunction and rupture of papillary muscle ect.
2.The small pink vegetation on the rightmost cusp margin represents the typical finding with non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (or so-called "marantic endocarditis").
3.Here is another marantic vegetation on the leftmost cusp. These vegetations are rarely over 0.5 cm in size. However, they are very prone to embolize.
4.Loffler syndrome, where eosinophils accumulate in the lung tissue, can also affect the heart tissue, called Loeffler endocarditis or sometimes loeffler endomyocarditis.
5.Poor oral care has been also linked to serious diseases such as heart disease, COPD, pneumonia, and endocarditis, which is an infection of the inner lining of your heart chambers or valves.
6.Usually, pyelonephritis from hematogenous spread is a consequence of septicemia or bacteremia - which is bacteria in the blood - as well as infective endocarditis, an infection of the inner layer of the heart.
7.In people with blood vessel catheters, the bacteria can be inoculated directly into the bloodstream, which leads to a bloodstream infection called bacteremia, and from there it can spread to the heart, causing endocarditis, or to the brain, causing meningitis.