You can now rebind the screenshot action.
That bulky grayish box and keyboard introduced personal computers and three finger shortcuts to the masses.
Users become fluent in things like keyboard shortcuts or they just prefer certain programs on one OS.
He didn't invent keyboard shortcuts, cut copy and paste were dreamed up in the 1970s at xerox.
On iOS, go into Settings, General, Keyboard, and then tap " Add Shortcut" or " Text Replacement."
在 iOS 系统中点击“设置”,“通用”,“键”,然后点击“增加键”或者“文字替换”。
And there are 52 possible customizable shortcuts, one for each key, that you can use to quickly start anything from the home screen.
Here you can add a new word or a shortcut that fills in a word when you type a few letters.
You can - there are a lot of different shortcuts you can use with your keyboard.
您可以 - 有许多不同的键可以与您的键一起使用。
The nerdier your questions the better, I hope to be asked about my favorite Adobe Premiere shortcut and also Leonardo's odometer.
你的问题越古怪越好,我希望你能问我最喜欢的 Adobe Premiere 键和莱昂纳多的里程表。
So many people were playing it in the workplace that Wes came up with what he called " the boss key" .
因为有这么多人在工作场所玩接龙,Wes甚至发明了他称作" 老板键" 的键。
Boss keys were keyboard shortcuts created in the 1980s by IT workers to quickly hide their office gaming.
Boss 键是 80 年代 IT 工作者创建的键键,用于速隐藏他们的办公室游戏。
A great example of this is copy and paste, which can be found in the edit dropdown menu of word processors, and is also triggered with keyboard shortcuts.