The zirconite is one of mineral resources associated with radioactivity.The exploitation and uses of zirconite would lead to pollution to the environment.
The Chinese government banning all Japanese seafood imports to prevent the risk of radioactive contamination and to protect the health of Chinese consumers.
But at the Fukushima Daiichi Plant, those cooling systems started to fail, reactor course overheated and contaminated water inside the plant with highly radioactive material.
Emergency responders would have to deal with shattered buildings, rubble-filled streets, downed power lines, fried cell phones, radioactive contamination, and casualties numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
Additionally, China's General Administration of Customs (GAC) said on Thursday that it is highly concerned over the risk of radioactive contamination from Japanese food and agricultural products exported to China.
He told the Associated Press that the goal of WIPP is to prevent radioactive waste from reaching " people and the things people need in order to live life on Earth" .
Thank you. Mr. King. In additon to the certificate you mentioned, could we have another one showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination. You see, some of our clients are very sensitive about this.
The water which is now contaminated with chemicals and radioactive materials present in the shale also rises to the surface and must be sent to a treatment facility or stored underground in a new injection well.