The licence shown by the invaders.
Look, boys and girls. It's a cheeky monkey.
When you are cheeky, you look a bit rude, but in a funny way.
'He's a wild, noisy boy, and he can stay like that for the day.
" I would speak to you about the presumption of a certain sellsword captain" .
" 我想跟您谈谈某位放肆无礼的佣兵团长。"
The man in the white shirt smiles in a superior manner.
This auctioneer had attenuate hair and audacious eyes.
She heard a broken sentence, apologies, conventions of the employee and one unrestrained snicker from a bell-boy.
A highly coloured young woman with flaxen hair and impudent eyes sat on the left.
But Aeetes was enraged at the hero's presumption.
Couldn't say, my lord. Didn't know what impunent means.
说不上来 大人 我不懂放肆无礼的意。
I looked up now, frowning slightly, into a pretty, impudent face, surmounted by a rakish little red hat.
我现在抬起头, 微微皱着眉头, 看到一张漂亮、放肆的脸, 上面戴着一顶时髦的小红帽。
He wanted to kill Bloeckman and make him suffer for his hideous presumption.
他想杀了布洛克曼, 让他为他可恶的放肆而受苦。
Mouse, I respect your chutzpah, but I still think you're making a bad decision.
慕斯 我尊重你的放肆,但我依旧觉得这不是个好决定。
Any more cheek from you and you’ll get a thick ear.
I’ve had enough of your cheek.
Tyrion limped closer to where he sat. My lord father would call that insolence, and send you to the mines for impertinence.
提利昂跛着脚走到他身边坐下。" 你这话要给我老爸听到,必定被加上无礼放肆的罪名,发配去挖矿。"
Seek help only from God, who, to punish you for your presumption, has cursed you with the inevitable hatred of your comrades.
只寻求上帝的帮助, 上帝为了惩罚你的放肆, 用你的同志不可避免的仇恨诅咒了你。
How enchanting was the timid innocence of her eyes, and how different from the wanton expression, the wild luxurious fire which sparkles in Matilda's!
她眼中胆怯的纯真多么迷人, 玛蒂达眼中闪耀的野性奢华火焰与放肆的表情有多么不同!
As though he read her mind, Rhett's hand closed upon her arm in a grip that would leave a bruise, the rough grip of a careless stranger.
" Don't be impudent, " said Scarlett coldly, for she saw little humor in Tommy's remark. " Of course, I wasn't raised to run a sawmill" .
" 放肆," 嘉冷冷地说,因为她听不出托米的话时有多少幽默。" 当然我父母养育了我,可不是叫我来开木厂的。" " 我并没有放肆的意。