Over one hundred years ,they have evoluted on each tracks, pertinaciously continued characteristic spirits and traditions whether the civilization vicissitude and regime subrogation.
Perfect matching would leave them bereft of paying customers.
Or we can also deploy this approach to education access, where, instead of just deploying schools widely, we'll work with local community entrepreneurs to build community schools that are profitable and viable for a long period of time.
One had a sense of physical well-being in the presence of this well-nourished, well-educated, free mind, which had never been thwarted or opposed, but had had full liberty from birth to stretch itself in whatever way it liked.
在这种营养良好、受过良好教育、自由自在头脑面前, 会有一种身体上幸福感,它从未受到阻挠或反对,而是从出生起就拥有充分自由, 可以随心所欲地伸展自己。
For the purposes of future advancement, as afterwards appeared, these first six years of a possible education were wasted in doing imperfectly what might have been done perfectly in one, and in any case would have had small value.
为了将来进步, 正如后来所表明那样, 可能接受教育头六年被浪费在了一个本可以完美地完成事情上, 但在任何情况下都没有什么价值。
To this school, Henry Adams had come for a new education, and the school was seriously, honestly, taken by most of the world, including Europe, as proper for the purpose, although the Sioux Indians would have taught less mischief.
来到这所学校,亨利·亚当斯 (Henry Adams) 接受了新教育,世界上大多数国家(包括欧洲)都认真、诚实地认为这所学校适合这个目,尽管苏族印第安教恶作剧更少。