In our system of education today, examinations are a common feature. Our present education system has often been criticized as too examination oriented.
In fact, thought leaders from around the world agree that the current system of education was designed in the Industrial Age, mainly to churn out factory workers.
The solution, Rose observed, is to move to a positive sum system. A positive sum game is one in which the pie grows larger as individuals achieve success.
So it was interestingbecause I remember having a myriad of conversationsabout prison reform, the education system, voter rights, but a candid conversation about money, it never happened.
The current draft of a bill working its way through Parliament enshrines transgender rights by mandating inclusive education for trans children, and special employment and health provisions.
She calls this process “serial mastery” and notes that the current educational system in most countries, from kindergarten through university, does a poor job of equipping people for continuous learning.