Conclusion:The treatment of acupotome can obviously relieve the thebrachial plexus upper trunk of brachiplexnerve compression on scalenus and levator scapula...
It's got the distorted figures, by way of outlandish makeup, harsh angular lighting, and, in place of the exaggerated perspective of painting, the whole movie is noticeably askew but not because of camera work.
Now what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna keep the same angled brush 'cause it really works is I'm just gonna go in with that same shade and do kind of a reverse wing.
As for the exact depth reached, it was very easy to ascertain that; the Professor measured accurately the angles of deviation and inclination on the road, but he kept the results to himself.
And it has this bevel right here, you can see where it kind of comes down and then angles, I would guess that there's probably no video where I don't use this at some point.