So we decided to look into what it actually feels like on the ground after a weather-related disaster, and whether or not you need a gun in your go-bag.
Basically what I have here is an overnight bag with a few clothes that I took out when I left when - - during the time of the storm but everything is gone.
There was no time for observation, however, for in a moment the shoreward rush began, and before she could grasp her traveling bag, Jamie was clinging to her like an ecstatic young bear.
I stared groggily around the unfamiliar room, at the heavy burgundy drapes, designed to block out light, at the large flat-screen television, at my overnight bag, which I hadn't even bothered to unpack.
I pulled an overnight bag out of the boot and had taken three steps with it when a bellhop in braided pants and a white shirt and black bow tie yanked it out of my hand.