Radio and TV stations popularise Christmas by broadcasting Christmas carols and Christmas songs, including classical music such as the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's The Messiah.
I guess, a) pretending the radio had broken, would show them who's boss – although floating in space without radio contact sounds a bit dangerous to me!
The growth in radio and television broadcasts—especially with digital and high-definition TV—now provides an enormous amount of high-frequency radio waves which are ideally suitable for passive radar systems.
Ever since the panic inspired by Orson Welles' War of the Worlds broadcast over the radio in 1938, interest in aliens and what could be found in space had inspired Americans' imaginations.
One of the things perhaps that most Americans who know about the Hindenburg disaster will remember is not so much the film footage of the disaster, but rather a recording of a radio broadcast.
At the most basic level, your router is essentially just a tiny radio broadcast station — except that it's using frequencies in the microwave range, which is a little bit higher on the electromagnetic spectrum.