The soft watches are nothing else than the tender, extravagant and solitary paranoiac-critical camembert of time and space.
Even the fish on the plate expresses a hope for nian nian you yu-yu means both " fish" and " plenty" in Chinese- " May you get more than you wish for every year" .
刚到家,他们就发现父母早就翘首以待了。家中己经为这个喜庆的场合特别布置了一番。从窗上贴得整整 齐齐的剪纸,到门上的春联,再到墙上的年画,无不象征养欢乐、吉祥和幸福。就连盘中的那条鱼也表达 了对年年有余的企盼—— 在汉语中“鱼''“余”谐音一一祝愿每年的收获都能多于期望。