The above-mentioned scabbling capabilityis is refers to C30-C40 concrete for your reference.Because this type of concete and scabbler-head edge are different,efficiency for work is different.
" To feel compelled to" means that you have a strong urge or strong desire to do something, that you have to do something or that you should do something.
A " strike" (strike) is when an organized group of workers, typically a union, decides together that no one – none of the employees – is going to go to work.
Indian food is very spicy, it's very hot. So, " spicy" means there's a lot of flavour in it, and usually it makes your mouth feel like it's on fire if it's too spicy. Okay?
She's taking them because she wants to be prepared in case they " run out of power en route." " To run out of" something is to no longer have enough of something, usually because you've used it all up.