The travellers several times saw bands of ferocious Indians, who, when they perceived the elephant striding across–country, made angry and threatening motions.
We’ve already featured some despicable men in our other shows on killers, but perhaps today’s focus beats the other serial killers, hands down, in view of his sheer murderousness.
Then, he took up the candle, and, shading it with his murderous hand so as to throw its light on me, stood before me, looking at me and enjoying the sight.
On his way to his Virginia golf club, he unleashed a few more combative tweets threatening to terminate a trade agreement with Canada and warning that " Congress should not interfere with these negotiations."
Vader's crippling emotional vulnerabilities actually make this less than a fair fight, and to win all you have to do is make Vader lose his cool and throw him into a murderous rage.
Vader 严重的情感弱点实际上使这不是一场公平的战斗,要赢得胜利, 您所要做的就是让 Vader 失去冷静并让他陷入杀气腾腾的愤怒之中。