Horror movies, science fiction movies, movies about teenage gangs on the prowl, movies about losers on motorcycles—this was the stuff that turned my dials up to ten.
At the same time he liked his game of cards and his cocktail, he could tell with point a good and spicy story, and in his youth he had been something of an athlete.
And on days when he felt particularly inspired, he spiced up his badgering a little, " Hey, you flat-nosed Babalu, who did you eat today? Tell us, you slant-eyed donkey" !
" Yet, " interrupted Charles, who was slowly sipping his rum-sherbet, " they say that he is quite admirable in the last act. I regret leaving before the end, because it was beginning to amuse me" .
" You need a woman now, " Bronn said with a glint in his black eyes. He shoved the boots into his saddlebag. " Nothing like a woman after a man's been blooded, take my word. "