Attractive, narrow shrub or small tree (Rhus, or Toxicodendron, vernix) of the sumac, or cashew, family, also called poison elder, native to swampy acidic soils of eastern North America.
Just leave mushrooms in the fridge in a paper bag and add some branches of parsley, which has antioxidant properties, preventing the appearance of spots.
This came after the party's stunning defeat in a by-election in Chesham and Amersham, a pleasant and leafy constituency it had won by nearly 30 percentage points in 2019.
此前,该党在切舍姆和阿默舍姆(Chesham and Amersham)的补选中遭遇惨败。2019年,该党以近30个百分点的优势赢得了这一风景宜人,枝繁叶密的选区。
Within this group, analyses usually place bats with a clade that contains pangolins, carnivores, and ungulates, or as the sister group of shrews, moles, and maybe hedgehogs.
You can find it in the turning of theseasons, in the way sand trails along a ridge, in thebranch clusters of the creosote bush or the pattern ofits leaves.
Starting in the late 19th century, most paleontologists thought that turtles belonged in the clade we now call parareptilia, because they shared the same basic skull structure with other parareptiles.
The aloe branch and loaf of bread that had been hanging over the door since the days of the founding were replaced by a niche with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Where the river bank levels off at the top into the broad stretch of thick low-growing scrub, there is a swaying of scrub oak boughs, as though a sudden breeze swept through them.
The bright fire of dry oak-boughs burning on the logs seemed an incongruous renewal of life and glow — like the figure of Dorothea herself as she entered carrying the red-leather cases containing the cameos for Celia.