Radioactive nuclides are solidified at crystal lattice as one part of crystalloid by zirconolite-rich synroc, which greatly enhances the long-term safety of radioactive waste disposing.
Results Some symptoms,like dyspnea in 7 cases disappeared.Some signs,like hepatauxe in 6 cases were obviously improved.The index of blood gas and nuclein lung scanning in 6 cases return to normal.
The offshore discharge of ALPS-treated water is an issue that cannot be postponed in order to advance the decommissioning of the plant and the reconstruction of Fukushima.
A sophisticated dating technique, called cosmogenic nuclide dating, has upended previous estimates—and, with that, is rewriting an important chapter in the story of human evolution.
Melted nuclear fuel debris inside the damaged reactors is being cooled by pumped-in water, which comes into contact with a toxic cocktail of radioactive substances known as radionuclides.
Tepco said for years that its purification system would reduce 62 radionuclides to safe or non-detectable levels and that only traces of tritium, a radioactive form of hydrogen, and two other isotopes would remain.
When a breccia-forming object falls into a cave, it finds itself shielded from cosmic rays, and the steady decay of its existing cosmogenic nuclides can be used to determine how long ago it fell in.