Daphne was pursued by Apollo and was at last changed into a laurel tree.
The path was lined with laurels.
The Coffee plant is a shrub which resembles the laurel.
Along the roads, laurel, great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year.
We are not gentlemen and we have no honor, have we?
我们不是上等,我们没有什么可尊敬的地方,不是吗?这就是我们能够像翠绿的月桂树一般茂盛的原故呢。" " 让我走。
While gathering branches from the sacred laurel trees, Aristonike spies wealthy Greeks training for the upcoming Pythian Games.
" He lives on Yucca Avenue, Laurel Canyon" .
“他住在月桂树峡谷的丝兰大道” 。
Out rushed Mrs. Smith from behind a laurel-bush, where she had stood pondering.
The laurel was in full bloom and the sunny creek was a wedge of fragrance.
月桂树盛开, 向阳的小溪泛着清香。
She led him round the laurel path and to the walk where the ivy grew so thickly.
She moved feebly to the window, and tried to detect the cad's white flannels among the laurels.
她有气无力地走到窗边, 试图在月桂树丛中发现那只 cad 的白色法兰绒。
Here and there a negro log cabin alone disturbed the dogwood and the judas-tree, the azalea and the laurel.
A water moccasin arched his six feet of magnificent mottled hide between a spider lily and a swamp laurel.
Scattered here and there are a few other trees, mostly small — the mountain mahogany, cherry, chestnut-oak, and laurel.
散落在这里和其他几棵树, 大多是小树——山桃花心木、樱桃树、栗橡树和月桂树。
It's " Laurel" . It is " Laurel" . It's " Laurel" . But you can pick out a " Yammy" .
Toward dawn on this night a light fog settled down over the hammock, the gallberry flats, the bay-heads and the palmettos.
Beyond the tent, the court had been transformed into a wood of orange trees and of pink laurels in full flower.
The next instant he was through the gap, and I heard the crash of his body among the laurel bushes outside.
下一刻他就穿过了缝隙, 我听到他的身体在外面的月桂树丛中碰撞的声音。
Second, you will find that your ability to stop worrying and start living will grow and spread like a green bay tree.
He turned, and walked with her along the laurel-screened lane that bordered the churchyard, till their voices died away in the distance.
他转过身,和她一起沿着教堂墓地边上挂着月桂树的小路走, 直到他们的说话声在远处消失。
And then one day, I was 24, living out of my car, buying a pregnancy test at that drugstore up on laurel.
There is a mile of bay trees, forming what we call a bay-head, just before the Creek is reached from the village.
有一英里长的月桂树, 形成我们所说的湾头, 就在从村庄到达小溪之前。