Objective To discuss the treatment of traumatic stum p pain by preventing formation of neuroma.
Jack wagged his stump of a tail;he knew.
杰克着尾巴的残端; 知道。
Stumps can also be the part of something such as a pencil that remains after the rest has been worn away.
" stumps(残端)" 也可以指事物的某部,如铅笔用完剩下的部。
" I'll take Jack, Caroline, and leave you the gun" .Jack jumped around them, wagging his stump of a tail.
“我会带上杰克, 洛琳,把枪留给你。 ” 杰克绕过,着尾巴的残端。
And newborn babies are especially at risk if their mothers are unvaccinated, as Clostridium tetani can infect a newborn's umbilical stump.
如果母亲未接种疫苗, 新生儿面临的风险尤其大,因为破伤风梭菌可以感染新生儿的脐带残端。
4 The Terrible Shovels Down the hole, Mrs Fox was tenderly licking the stump of Mr Fox's tail to stop the bleeding.
4 可怕的铲子 在洞里,狐狸太太温柔地舔着狐狸先生尾巴的残端以止血。
He stretched out his hand and touched the stumps of the amputated fingers and the great scar on the wrist. The Gadfly put down his cake.