With a laptop, they can get access to the Internet, searching for academic information, learning foreign languages and working on their graduate papers.
A colleague of mine did her graduate thesis on the fungus that grows on improperly sterilized manicure implements. Well don't tell me that's not " girl talk" .
I was account executive for eight years, V.P. for four more after that, and by the way, I wrote my graduate thesis on the rise of the nonfiction novel.
In working on my master's degree in sports psychology, I focused on goal-setting, I wrote my final thesis on it, and I realized we set goals for three primary reasons.
So my interest in my lab is sensory substitution for the deaf, and this is a project I've undertaken with a graduate student in my lab, Scott Novich, who is spearheading this for his thesis.
I had done that for two years but also I tried to study as much as I could, which you know, by getting the teaching certificate from primary schools and did my thesis, my graduation thesis.
And she tells us that her senior thesis involved writing a play that was her " own private exorcism" , leading up to an opening night performance that left both Maria and her parents in tears.