25."Arrest" means the detention of a ship by judicial process tosecure a maritime claim, but does not include the seizure of a ship inexecution or satisfaction of a judgment.
The expanded U.S. assistance builds on existing maritime programs for combatting piracy, countering transnational organized crime and addressing terrorist threats.
All this history is now preserved in Mystic Seaport, the biggest maritime museum in the U.S. Maria Petrillo is a director of interpretation at the museum.
It claims to have more than 400 subsidiaries, and that can range from anything from agriculture to healthcare, leisure and retail, (inaudible) entities involved in the maritime sector.
All of them worked. A special ed teacher, an accountant at a maritime firm, and a lecturer at Yale in the Department of American Studies. Her name is Leah.
It claims to have more than 400 subsidiaries, and that can range from anything from agriculture to healthcare, leisure and retail, they've got entities involved in the maritime sector.
Microplastics had been found in more than 114 aquatic species in 2018, according to the International Maritime Organization, and they have been found in salt, lettuce, apples, and more.
“This assistance will foster greater regional cooperation on maritime issues and ultimately provide the ability of Southeast Asian nations to carry out humanitarian activities and to police and monitor their waters more effectively.”