A capillary gas chromatographic method with an electron capture dector (ECD) for the detection of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in seawater was developed.
The characterization of photobiological hydrogen production for four marine green algae by sulfur-deprived and treated with uncoupler after dark anaerobic incubation was investigated.
Etesian Qingdao interenational seawater desalination conference had broad influence and famousness,and it becomes a famous international conference brand step by step in China.
So long as their balance remains undisturbed, the oxygenated and hydrogen sulfide–saturated waters stay separated, and their interface, known as the chemocline, is stable.
The upwell ing brings the thermocline—the boundary layer between deep, cold water and the warm water of the surface—up as high as 30 feet from the top.
Halosere A plant community in a succession that starts on land periodically inundated by the sea. Haloseres include salt-and flooding-tolerant pioneer communities on mudflats and saltmarshes.