Still, she spent that Friday morning grating cheese...and greasing a pan...and laying in macaroni because her eldest daughter was sick, and Stella could no longer sit by and do nothing.
Once the eggs hatched, Mary used a turkey baster to swap out the dirty water the crabs swam around in, changing the metaphorical diaper of thousands of baby crabs.
The one thing they did a little more precisely than you would in the kitchen is that they applied the oil by spin coating, a process that creates a very thin and very uniform surface.
She says the ritual can trace its roots to Saxon chieftains who were anointed with oil from a horn, similar to the ritual described in the Old Testament Book of Kings to anoint King Solomon.
The rest of the costume, which included an oiled leather robe, boots and gloves, acted as kind of an early hazmat suit, likely designed to block miasma from entering through the skin's pores.
The one thing they did a little more precisely than you would in the kitchen is that they applied the oil by spin coating, a process that creates a very thin and very uniform surface.