Watch out for those New York slickers!
当心, 免上当。
Fare thee well, Charlotte, you old schemer!
Slick, that implant isn't who you are, okay?
The black box so slippery it moved itself to God knows where?
那滑头 谁知道它跑哪去了?
Slick, why do you have to be so dramatic?
You've been under arrest for ten minutes, 'Silky' Bob.
Finch, you sly dog. The Dewey decimal system.
芬奇 你个老滑头 杜威图书十进制分类法。
“I don't give a shit about the lira, ” was one of Tricky Dick's choice phrases.
But if you're gonna cheat and buy it, then how can you add it to something?
" Are you trying to weasel out of showing us any of this stuff? " said Zacharias Smith.
And this is another city slicker animal.
I mean, he'd really try to cheer me up.
That is one mangy looking paw you got there, slick.
And genetics don't lie, even though some doctors who administer paternity tests do.
Not the world's worst reason for a Republican candidate to lose.
一些共和党人认为聪明是滑头 笨则是老实因智商而落选 对共和党人来说 也不算太糟。
It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one, said the tall man. You've been under arrest for ten minutes, Bob.
" 二十年能把一个好人变成坏人," 大高个说道。" 十分钟之前你已经被捕了,滑头鲍勃。
" Hey, " she said, hurrying to catch up as Nick strolled along. " All right, slick Nick, you're under arrest."
" But you were wide open for an underhanded counter with a slip-tip." Paul stepped back, chagrined.
“但你对一个带有滑头的低手柜台是敞开的。” 保罗向后退了一步,懊恼。
Why should I believe a smart banker like you? So I can end up in here with you?
" Then he's a sharp fellow, " returned the consul, ]" and counts on returning to London after putting the police of the two countries off his track" .
" 那么说,他真是个大滑头啊," 领事接着说," 他是打算把欧美两洲所有警察局都蒙混过了,然后再回到伦敦去。"
Scarlett is a slick piece of baggage and I don't see why Charlie ever married her, " said Uncle Henry gloomily. " But Melly was right too, in a way.
思嘉是个滑头女人,不知道查尔斯当时怎么会娶她做老婆," 亨利叔叔闷闷不乐地说。" 不过媚兰的话也有一定的道理。