This paper discusses the structure, calculation of multiplication and power, eigenvalue and eigenvector, and diagonalizable problems of matrix of rank equal to 1.
Each eigenstate of an observable corresponds to an eigenvector of the operator, and the associated eigenvalue corresponds to the value of the observable in that eigenstate.
What this expression is saying is that the matrix vector product A times V gives the same result as just scaling the eigenvector V by some value lambda.
Confusion about agon stuffs usually has more to do with the shaky foundation in one of these topics than it does with eigenvectors and eigen values themselves.
In fact, most of the concepts I've talked about in this series, with respect to vectors as arrows in space, things like the dot product or eigenvectors have direct analogs.
For those of you wondering why we care about alternate coordinate systems, the next video on eigen vectors and eigen values, we'll give a really important example of this.