A barely audible ff septuplet of semiquaver chords and two rabid glissandi are thrown in by the soloist, before piano and bass section end the movement in five different Gs.
The researchers also used the newly available Weimer Jazz Database to establish that most swing soloists are in fact deliberately using these microtiming delays.
Theo's team devised a perceptual experiment that would determine if listeners preferred swing with microtiming delays by soloists and what kind of delays they preferred.
The weeping notes of a trumpet saeta, an Easter tradition that once inspired a Miles Davis recording, had to be performed from the soloist's apartment balcony.
科学报-科学美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN
Polidoro: Theo's team devised a perceptual experiment that would determine if listeners preferred swing with microtiming delays by soloists and what kind of delays they preferred.
You do, absolutely. The top soloists - whether that's on the piano, the violin or any other instrument, or singing - they all perform at the Proms. As do very big orchestras.
The swing study doesn't surprise Nina — who, by the way, sings and plays several instruments — because we're able to hear and make sense of sounds that are much faster than these soloist delays all the time.