4.The success of Salsola affinis in the desert might be partly attributed to its heterocarpy and associated plastic response to heterogeneous environmental conditions.
7.Most people can tell you some traits about themselves, important things in their life history that shaped their personality, and can share some thoughts about how they're seen socially.
8.Sounds pretty prosaic, pretty commercial, doesn't it? Yet paradoxically enough, Disraeli's marriage was one of the most glowing successes in all the battered and bespattered annals of matrimony.
9.The team says that this new discovery will provide years of research into the anatomy, life histories, and biomechanics of these biggest land animals that ever lived.
10.Understanding how brain size, behavioral flexibility and life history traits interact can help researchers predict how species will respond to a rapidly urbanizing planet, where survival can mean taking it to the extremes.
11.Thus far the history of my life presents nothing whatever unusual— nothing but the common hopes, and loves, and labors of an obscure colored man, making his humble progress in the world.
12.Journalists swarmed the country when America invaded in March 2003, staying to chronicle in painful detail the long, slow bleed of (mostly) Iraqi lives and of (mostly) American treasure and political capital that were lost in its wake.