Antifertility experiments have been made on mice for short-term and long-term observation with castor bean extract and ricin,and which showed apparent effects of antifertility.
Conclusions The conservative surgery for adenomyoma can reduce symptom and raise pregnancy rate significantly, it can be accepted by young women who want to preserve their reproductive capacity.
This paper summarized that the animal studies of acrylamide and its major metabolite,glycidamide, also including the limited study on human according to the relevant document that WHO release.
The characters of SP1 variation plants at maturity stage also appeared big changes.SP1 variation plants had short growing period, high seed setting rate, loose plant-type and clavated spike-type.
At the clinic, Jana observed that if a woman had undergone a tubectomy, for which she had received money from a population-control program, she invariably blamed any subsequent health problems on it.