Contains symbols for VHF, UHF, and SHF circuit design, including capacitance measurers, nonreciprocal devices, modulators, phase shifters, field polarization devices, and filters.
Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) were activated by CO2 and air under different durations, then were used in polarizable electrodes of electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs).
The interelectrode dielectric adopts the polypropylene film with surface coarsening which is easy to impregnate so as to enhance the reliability of high-capacity capacitor.
For electrical properties of MOS capacitors, the C-V curves were obtained by LCR meter (HP4284A), and picoampere meter (HP4140B) was used to measure the J-V curves.
The capacitive sensor consisted of two mutual insul ating copper and foil electrodes,clinging to the external w all of infusion bottle with two insulating stretch tight balteum.
In calefactive phase, the electro thermal model of hot bridge wire was established, the calefactive time of invariable current fire case and capacitance discharge fire case were both studied.
To resolve that, wto-order charging circuit is used to reduce the stretching discharge, and dipulse is used to increase the reliability of the idscharge, which can decrease the failure discharge.