As one of the leading companies in this field, DSD-Noell achieved many worldwide well-known hydromechanical projects and supplied hydraulic and electric systems.
Your cells use different concentrations of these electrolytes to create the positive and negative charges that regulate your internal electrical system.
Now let's take three of the certifications that she received and is required for her to do her work: electrical systems; manual drive, train and axles; and engine performance.
I'm afraid a bit more than that. We need to order the spare parts, take apart your electrical system, fuel pump and engine and then put it back together again.
These are people who work under the direction of the general contractor in order to finish, for example, the plumbing or the electrical system in a building.
But since then, we've only become more dependent on electrical systems. In 1921, another powerful solar storm caused telephones and telegraph equipment around the globe to combust.
You can think, for example, of an electrical engineer – someone who designs electrical systems in a house or a building – or perhaps a mechanical engineer, someone who designs machines.
Well, don't worry because in today's programme we'll be finding out some quirky facts about electricity - how it differs across the world and why some countries have more complicated electrical systems than others.