Recent advances and hot spots of bioturbation effect in benthic-pelagic interface were comprehensively reviewed, and the future research trends were prospected.
Compared to supersequence boundaries, the depositional hiatus at sequence boundaries is shorter and sequence boundaries are not compatible with lithostratigraphic unit boundaries.
So long as their balance remains undisturbed, the oxygenated and hydrogen sulfide–saturated waters stay separated, and their interface, known as the chemocline, is stable.
Since a mutual diffusion between adhesive layer and matrix and a innerstress on interfaces exist,there is a optimal thickness of adhesive layer in composites.
In the framework of Geoacoustics interface wave theory,a time domain finite difference model for the propagation of interface wave in shallow sea has been developed.
And the boundary of them has the same lithologic character: the ravinement surface of river course or exposure mudstone of flooding plain and root clay.
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The purpose of the paper is to research the relation between meso-level structure and macromechanics characteristics of concrete and to popularize IEM, and to build a bridge between them.
The sound wave come from the earth's surface echoed from the interface of the common terrane and the oilness terrane, or the inteface of aquiferous terrane and the gassness terrane.