The scrotal abscess developed progressively following appendectomy.Scrotal exploration was carried out under the presumptive diagnosis of abscessed epididymo-orchitis.
According to modern medicine, this disease is caused by acute and chronic orchitis, testicular tuberculosis, funiculitis, pros-tatitis, tumor or trauma of t...
Conclusion The methods of scrotal dartos orchiopexy with spermoloropexy can improve the curative effects in the treatment of cogenital cryptorehism,and the ...
Results Radical orchidectomy with high ligation of the spermatic cord and ipsilateral hemiscrotectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection were undertaken for 3 cases.
Results 24 cases testicular adnexa were made orchidectomy by operations research,and 6 cases of them were made expectant treatment because of rejecting operation.
Methods 4 patients underwent testis homotransplantion with their relatives testis as donor tissue.Of them, 2 suffered from iatrogenic anorchia and the other 2 from hypogonadism.
Results The outside fixation of the scrotum thecae and the testicle traction were applied to all the 74 cases of cryptorchism, and 82 testicles were fixed.
The author has reviewed the promoted effect of testosterone and androgens on the improvement of human immune function,sexual hypoesthesia,wasting syndrome and depression and the treatment of AIDS.
LDH-C4 is specific to mature testes and spermtozoa of bird and mammal.It is related to metabolic processes that provide energy for motility and survival of spermtozoa.LDH-C4 is an autoantigen.