As a new trend of thought, the epistemic naturalism has an inextricable fate of hypercorrectness.
Yet it is also essential that nations resist the temptation to overcorrect by imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth.
The Kindle Oasis is probably a little bit overkill.
Kindle 绿洲可能有点矫枉过正。
The other risk lies in cracking down too hard.
They are in danger of over-correcting.
Trying to overcorrect is a great way to find middle ground.
Others argue that the whole idea is just a bit … overkill.
其他人则认为整个想法有点… … 矫枉过正。
I say, I always say my team guys too much overkill is never enough.
If you use it after every word, after every expression, it's a little bit overkill.
如果你在每个单词、每个表达之后都使用它, 那就有点矫枉过正了。
No, I never said we could fix things. I specifically never said that.
The word " overkill" (overkill) means too much of something, more than what is necessary for a given situation.
“矫枉过正” (overkill)这个词思是太多东西, 超过了给定情况所必需东西。
And by the end of a year, you might have 12 new habits, which might be overkill at that point.
到一年年底,您可能会养成 12 个新习惯,这在那时可能有点矫枉过正。
In Mozart, he saw a fellow artist who like him had rejected artifice in favour of clarity of line and simplicity of structure.
But whether the technology is in fact addictive has been up for debate and some argue that prohibiting technology all together during the school day is excessive.
Apps like Twitter let us all get in on the global gossip frenzy, which raises real questions about the line between accountability and overkill.
像 Twitter 这样应用程序让我们所有人都卷入了全球八卦狂潮,这引发了关于问责制和矫枉过正之间界限真正问题。
The doctor dons a strange looking face shield to start the internal exam, which seems a bit overkill to you… until he reaches for the saw.
医生戴上了一个看起来很奇怪面罩来开始内部检查,这对你来似乎有点矫枉过正… … 直到他伸手去拿锯子。