The ground was sparsely covered with grass.
The foreground was dotted sparsely with wretched, ill-patched shanties, among which there would flash by, now and then, a specimen of the languid yokelry of South Carolina, or else a strolling darky with sullen and bewildered eyes.
The trees, mostly the blue oak (Quercus Douglasii), are about thirty to forty feet high, with pale blue-green leaves and white bark, sparsely planted on the thinnest soil or in crevices of rocks beyond the reach of grass fires.
树木,主要是蓝橡树 (Quercus Douglasii),高约 30 到 40 英尺,有淡蓝绿色的叶子和白色的树皮,稀疏地种植在最薄的土壤或草火无法触及的岩石缝隙中。